Laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department are listed below. Our services and service fees in our laboratories are also given below. You can see the service charges by clicking on the relevant laboratory (Prices are excluding VAT).
Soil Mechanics Laboratory Price List
Structural Mechanics Laboratory Price List
Building Material and Concrete Laboratories Price List
Asphalt Pavement Laboratory Price List
Soil Mechanics Laboratory
In the design of soil structures such as earth-fill dams, airports, highways, high-speed and conventional railways, retaining and sheet pile walls, excavations, slopes, shallow foundations, deep foundations, pile-caisson foundations, the physical and mechanical properties of the ground are taken as a basis. In the soil mechanics laboratory, experiments are carried out on these designs and properties of soils.
Structural Mechanics Laboratory
In this laboratory, experiments can be performed on medium-scale and large-scale structural elements. In the Structural Mechanics Laboratory, tests of repaired/strengthened structural elements are carried out in columns, beams, and slabs with various methods. Structural Mechanics Laboratory is also used for educational purposes; students are encouraged to participate in experiments.
Researchers of Structural Mechanics Laboratory also study on earthquake safety of buildings, repair, and strengthening of damaged or unsafe structures.
Construction Materials Laboratory
The Construction Materials Laboratory was established to provide necessary experiments for teaching and research purposes. The most essential condition of producing high quality ready mixed concrete is the use of materials conforming to the standards and to have a good knowledge of the properties of the material. In the Construction Materials Laboratory, all concrete tests, cement, aggregate, chemical, and mineral additive tests are carried out reliably and scientifically.
Construction Materials Laboratory is used by undergraduate students for educational purposes. In addition, graduate and doctoral students can benefit from laboratory facilities for scientific research purposes.
Concrete Laboratory
In this laboratory, many test methods are used accordance with Turkish Standards to control the fresh and hardened properties of concrete, which is the main component of reinforced concrete structures.
Pavement Materials Laboratory
Pavement Materials Laboratory responds to the research and application activities of undergraduate and graduate education and engineering solutions at all levels required by the transportation sector. In our Laboratory, asphalt concrete mixture design and quality control tests of pavement materials, such as aggregate and bitumen, can be performed.
Hydraulics Laboratory
In the Hydraulics Laboratory, undergraduate students who are taking Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics courses carry out experiments by turns in small groups, on selected experimental setups.
Ölçme Laboratuvarı
Yerin şekil, büyüklük ve gravite alanlarının zamana bağlı olarak değişimlerini inceleyerek bunları üç boyutlu bir koordinat sisteminde tanımlamaktadır. Yerin çekim alanlarının ve şeklinin belirlenmesinin yanısıra yerkabuğundaki değişimler incelenerek jeodinamik amaçlı çalışmalarda kullanılacak veriler üretilir. Yeryüzünün tamamının ya da bir bölümünün bir sistemde belirlenerek farklı amaçlar için verilerin toplandığı Anabilim Dalında çalışma konularını, Ölçme Sistemleri ve Donanımları, Teorik Hesap ve Uygulamalar biçiminde sınıflandırabiliriz.
Uygarlık ilerledikçe ve insanlar arasındaki ilişkiler arttıkça, mülkiyet kavramının önemi anlaşılmış ve insanlar sahip oldukları arazileri ölçme gereksinimi duymuşlardır. Ülkemizde önceleri kadastro haritaların oluşturulmasında önemli bir rol oynayan ölçme tekniği, günümüzde tüm meslek disiplinlerinin gereksinimi olan bir dal haline gelmiştir.
Computer Laboratory
Our department has two computer labs. Each Computer Laboratory has 20 personal computers and projection systems connected to the enterprise network and the internet. In the laboratory where basic computer and programming courses are carried out, personal computers are equipped with Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, SAP2000, ETABS, SAFE, and MATLAB STRUCAD, STA4CAD, ABAQUS software running under Windows 7 operating system.
Masonry Practices Laboratory
In this laboratory, students gain experience by doing the applications they can see on the construction site themselves. Laying up natural materials (wood, stone, etc.) or artificial materials (adobe, briquette, brick, sandstone, aerated concrete, etc.) using mortar made with a mineral binder or laying up without mortar, heat, sound and water insulation, etc. can be shown among these applications.
Wood Practices Laboratory
Within the scope of Wood Applications course, the student learns the structure of wood and acquires the necessary information for the factors that cause deterioration, conservation studies, and restoration. Much of the lesson takes place as practice work. Cleaning, fumigation, bonding, integration, and traditional polish applications are carried out. Our students work on many wooden works in various units of our university.
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