Compulsory Courses

*Compulsory Courses in the Master's Program

(*The following course is required in the Master's Program.)

Code of the Course

 Name of the Course


 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (Geoteknik Deprem Mühendisliği)


**Compulsory Courses in Doctorate Program

(**In the Ph.D. Program, it is mandatory to take the following course.)

Code of the Course

Name of the Course


 Advanced Concrete Technologies (İleri Beton Teknolojileri)


*** Undergraduate Courses in Scientific Foundation for Candidates Who Apply from Geological Engineering

(***Candidates who keep bachelor of Geological Engineering are required to take the scientific preparation undergraduate courses listed below.)

Code of the Course

 Name of the Course

İNM 303

 Soil Mechanics-I (Zemin Mekaniği-I)

İNM 333

 Soil Mechanics Laboratory (Zemin Laboratuvarı)

İNM 444

 Geotechnical Project (Geoteknik Projesi)

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